State development institutions
The Housing and Utilities Reform Fund State Corporation is organized in accordance with Federal Law No. 185-FZ from July 21, 2007 «On the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund».
The activities of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund are aimed at creating safe and favorable conditions of living for citizens, stimulating reform of the housing and utilities sector, development of effective housing stock management mechanisms, and introducing resource-saving technologies.
The Housing and Utilities Fund provides financial support to subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities for overhauls of apartment buildings and relocation of citizens from substandard housing. Since 2013, the funds of the Housing and Utilities Fund are also used for modernization of utility infrastructure systems.
The work of the Housing and Utilities Fund helps improve the living conditions of citizens, raise the quality of utilities, and increase the investment attractiveness of the industry.
The «Home Loan Agency» JSC (AIZhK) was created based on the act of the RF Government from August 26, 1996 No. 1010 «On the Home Loan Agency». The sole shareholder of the agency is the state.
The Agency is a state institution for the development of the mortgage lending and housing construction market. The purpose of the Home Loan Agency is the implementation, together with public authorities, of a unified policy in the the housing and mortgage lending market.
The goals of the Agency are: standardization in various segments in the housing and mortgage market; development of infrastructure of the housing and mortgage market; development of the housing rent market; increasing the investment attractiveness and liquidity of mortgage securities and mortgage assets; reducing risks in the housing and mortgage market; stimulation of construction of affordable housing; development of financing mechanisms for utility infrastructure facilities; real estate management; implementing anti-crisis support measures in the housing and mortgage market.
The Agency's activities are aimed at ensuring the stability, liquidity, competition and innovative development of the housing market in order to increase the availability of housing for the population of Russia.
The Federal Autonomous Institution «Chief Administration of State Expert Review» (FAA «Glavgosexpertiza Rossii») was established in accordance with Federal Law No. 174-FZ from November 3, 2006 «On autonomous institutions», RF government decree No. 539 from July 26, 2010 «On Approval of the order of creation, reorganization, type change and liquidation of federal government agencies, as well as the approval and amendment of the statutes of federal government agencies», and order of the RF Ministry of Regional Development No. 795 from December 28, 2010.
The activity of the institution is aimed at the implementation of works and provision of services in the sphere of organizing and conducting state expert review of project documentation and engineering survey results, validation of the veracity of the estimated costs of capital construction.
The FAU «Glavgosexpertiza Rossii» conducts expert review of capital construction investment feasibility study materials provided by individuals and legal entities irrespective of the source of funding, as well as public technological and price audit.
Also, within the limits of its authority, it evaluates the conformance of project documentation to the requirements of technical regulations; of project documentation — to the results of engineering studies; of the results of engineering studies — to the requirements of technical regulations; of calculations in cost estimate documentation — to the norms included in the federal estimate norms registry, as well as to the physical amount of works, construction, organizational, technological and other solutions provided for in the project documentation; of calculations in cost estimate documentation — to other estimate norms included in the federal estimate norms registry — before including a price norm of a construction solution in the registry.